Hello, I have sent an email asking what is the brand of the GT2 2mm belts Openbuilds sells. But no one has gotten back to me yet. It has been a week. Does anyone know what brand they are.
Why they're OpenBuilds Brand of course! While that may seem like a flippant answer that's the reality of brand names. And to understand this you need look no farther than Craftsman Tools, a well respected brand that never manufactured a single tool. They merely spec'd what they wanted including tolerances and quality level and let an unnamed manufacturer do the rest. As I'm not an insider with the company I honestly have no idea where they get them, but I do know they are a custom manufactured item based on their width not being a standard size. They're probably not Gates but in the 4+ years they've been selling them I don't recall anyone noting any quality or durability issues with them.