Hello, I am sending GRBL commands to an ACRO 55 machine from an external software (MATLAB). Everything is working OK (including Homing) but not hard limits. Yes, they are enabled ($21=1). The weird thing is the hard limits work (homing too) when I work directly with OpenBuildsCONTROL but if I disconnect Serial Port from OpenBuildsCONTROL and connect it from MATLAB, hard limits do not work anymore (homing yes). I checked grbl configuration in both cases (connected to OpenBuildsCONTROL and MATLAB) and parameters $21 are identical. Any idea what is happening? Regards,
Odd indeed as Limits are handled by Firmware not the host application. Double check it still works under CONTROL? Confirm X and Y isn't swopped in Troubleshooting tab? As its an Acro, no Z axis: make sure you flashed the 2axes firmware?
I forgot to say I am usign a BlackBox X32. Yes...It is really weird. By typing (copy/paste) the same command (in CONROL and MATLAB), in CONTROL works everything OK but not in MATLAB I flashed the default "2/3 axes CNC/Laser: Dual-Y" included in OpenbuildsCONTROL (Wizards&Tools->Firmware Flashing Tool) In troubleshooting tab nothing happen by activating the Endlimits, whichever the axis...