Any plans to add a height map to smooth out uneven z axis surfaces like Candle does? Control is so much easier to use and capable than Candle, except for that one feature
There is a community fork with levelling To be tested at some point, sounds like an awesome feature by petervanderwalt · Pull Request #110 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL and its is somewhat on the roadmap - but not likely to be very soon. Apart from maybe super fine PCB milling, there are always better fixturing methods to avoid needing software based compensation
Thanks. Can you point me to where I can find out about those fixturing methods? I’m doing marquetry, so I need pretty precise z control. Not as bad as pcb work,though
Mostly involves making sure to surface stock using the Surfacing Wizard under Wizards and tools when you need it to be flat (cuts into it will be on the same depth relative as the machine set the flat datum), and then mounting stock using methods that does not cause bowing (like sideways clamps would be bad, glue-and-tape would be better: docs:tips:ca-glue [OpenBuilds Documentation])
Adding a height map to smooth out uneven z axis surfaces like Candle does would be a great feature and I was hoping you would add this to what I believe to be a great controller. Was hoping the latest update included this but sadly not.
One thing I've done is to first make the height map in Candle. Candle modifies the Z heights (or adds them when not there) in the GCODE. You can then save (copy/paste) that modified code and run it in Openbuilds.
My spoil board is perfectly flat and level, but when I want to inlay onto an old box or furniture, that surface jumps up to 1mm In places,and I’m only milling.4mm, so I have to use the laser, which is too Smokey.
When working on antiques or things you cannot surface, design inlays to be cut with straight bits. No V-bit or tapers.