Just installed OB Control on a Windows 7 machine; when I go to start the program, it reports the following error then closes: Entry point getpackagefamilyname not found in Kernal32.dll Is there a fix for this?
See End of Support for Previous Versions of Windows | Microsoft, might possibly be related. We also use Chrome as part of Electron > Sunsetting support for Windows 7 / 8/8.1 and Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 in early 2023 - Google Chrome Community
Thanks for the quick response, but I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying OpenBuilds Control is not compatible with W7?
Unfortunately we gave it another 3 years since it was end-of-life'd in 2020 - but by now some of the projects we depend on has also stopped providing support for such an old OS. As much as it may pain you, it is sadly an out of date OS and time to consider Windows 10 or 11, usually a free upgrade
Actually, I just came across this problem today as well. I've been using OpenBuildsController on my Windows 7 OS for a long while without any issues. After updating to the latest version of OpenBuildsController, I got the exact error message you shared. Dumb for me to think it was safe to click the pop-up to update from within the app right before I started a job. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling; Running Windows updates; Rebooting my machine. I'm going to see if I can find a previous version of the app to rollback to. P.S. My laptop does not like Windows 10; It bluescreens anytime I try to update it... its an older laptop and only specifically running this app these days so I dont care so much about updating to the latest version of Windows, let alone spend any money on it to bring it to current.
Always available on Github Releases · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL But do note Windows 7 is now long out of support, you may want to look around on Craigslist for a $50 laptop that can run Win10 - as more and more applications will stop working on 7 as time goes on. n
Ok Thanks! I will keep that in mind when becomes absolutely necessary. However, I did want come back here to confirm that rolling back the the previous version I still had in my Downloads folder DID resolve the issue: (OpenBuildsCONTROL-Setup-1.0.329.exe) I should also mention that, I previous updated to v1.0.354 for the "Start at this line" and was running this version without any issues. Only broke when updating to v1.0.355. Just leaving this here to possibly help anyone else out there in a pinch, looking for a possible solution.
OpenBuilds-CONTROL/CHANGELOG.txt at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL applies, the upgrade to Electron 23 / Node 18 was in Version 1.0.350 - so anything older should work on win7. Electron 23 drops support for Windows 7/8/8.1: Farewell, Windows 7/8/8.1 | Electron and thus so do we - See Electron, shows the end-of-life dates we have to abide by too