I have essentially built a custom machine to take some lathe work off my hands. It uses the Z axis (rotary/length) and the X axis for the depth of wood (in and out). The machine is built, moves correctly when jogging etc. However I am having issues getting code from Fusion 360 into the to the machine. I have tried ALL the processors available in Fusion to post the code, every one seems to have a different error that is calling on what appears to be unsupported G numbers. Current setup is: Fusion 360 > Post Processor to GCode > OpenBuilds Controller > BlackBox Does anyone know of a post processor that is supported, that will do what I need? What software have others used, I can't be the only one to try and to this... Right?
Hi Peter, I cant seem to get this to work. it says it is an invalid post processor when I try to open and use, (see below). Any Ideas?
Have you had a Fusion update since you installed it? This info might fix it, it refers to using my post processor for the Duet controller, but the same issue might be affecting the Openbuilds one ; Fusion 360/Duet post processor Alex.
Thank you for the help guys. Thank you for this Alex, after checking the box was already correctly ticked as indicated. But it was worth a check just incase. I have done the good old trick of a reboot of software (fusion). This seems to of partly worked in that I no longer get the error shown above and I can access the Post Processor. However, the file now fails to export (see below). I also noticed on the Post Processor selection it does not have compatibility with turning (see below) I believe this to be causing the error. Is there a post processor that can do this with the Black Box? or is there a work around in fusion to export a different way? Its only using 2 of the 3 axis (X and Z)... this should be possible right?
Sorry, missed the word "lathe" in your original post - don't know whether this will help? https://cam.autodesk.com/posts/download.php?name=grbl turning&type=post Alex.
Nope, not a post problem. I had Fusion v2.0.10.940 which processed with post version 1.0.27 just fine. Fusion updated itself to V2.0.11186 and the same post works just fine with it. But later you mention 'lathe'. aaah! The post is not designed for, nor tested for lathe operations since GRBL is not commonly used to run lathes. Peter is this something I should spend time on?
Thank you Alex, I was sceptical at first as the inbuilt library in fusion has a Post of the same name that did not work... but I uploaded this anyway and it seems to be working! Thank you! Just need to work on my files now rather than a test piece.
Seems to be working now from the post processor Alex shared... It cant hurt to expand the capabilities of your own processor I would have thought. But I guess that is up to you guys (I personally hope you do!). Thank you for the help
I also missed the Lathe relevance part, i rather suspected Fusion updates breaking the post install and thought you might know, sorry! But yeah makes sense now. My bad. Will PM you later on