Hi all I have tried running several different jobs on my workbee but my workbee seems to suddenly stops. I get an error message on my computer stating hard limits have been triggered without actually being triggered. I checked the limit switches and everything looks to be OK, I have turned off hard limits and even went as far as disconnecting the limit switches from the black box but continue having the same issue. When I disconnect the limit switches and the job stopped I don’t get an error message but g-code sender go’s offline. I did a dry run and had no issues, it only seems to stop when I’m cutting into stock. Any help in resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated thanks
EMI can cause false triggers Route limit switch wires far from router and motor cables as these put out EMI when powered (thus more prevailant while running jobs as motors are moving and router is on)
Peter, would the cables still cause EMI when limit switches were disconnected from the black box which no power would be running through the wires. the reason I ask is when I disconnected the limit switches the workbee still stopped halfway through the job and UGC went off line instead of triggering error limit switch.
Is the wire still connected to the controller? If yes the wire is acting like an antenna An 'unconnected' limit pin (with or without cable) is more suspectable to EMI than a properly connected on (with pullup resistors) Switches wired NO without pullups are just a bare wire too
Which controller are you running? BlackBox has both built in EMI filters and plug and play compatibility with our new Limit Switch PCBs (that has pullups on the signal wires)
I am using a black box controller along with the older openbuilds micro limit switch kit that came with my workbee bundle.
Do the EMI filters need to be activated on the blackbox if so how is that done. I also just purchased the new limit switches, William need to replace the wiring too or can I use the existing wiring
No they are already soldered in. New limits will sort you out they have pullups, RC filter and and indicator LED.
Peter Van Der Walt, yes the wiring came from openbuilds. i have been reading other posts and i will also be doing what is called star grounding to hopefully avoid any future EMI issues. Thanks again for all your help.