I have the Lead 1515. Any suggestions for getting t- nuts or t-bolts (for hold-down clamps) into the track without disassembling the entire frame? Am I simply overlooking something here? Thanks everyone
Drop in t-nuts are available. They come in handy for sure. Drop In Tee Nuts I saw a guy on FB who drilled 3/8" holes on each end so he could slip in a bolt (not a traditional t-bolt). I mounted t-track directly to the extrusion using drop in t-nuts. What I like about both of those solutions and opposed to you wanting to use t-bolts is that you can remove the bolts when not in use.
Here you go. I used the drop in t-nuts linked above with these 8mm screws: Low Profile Screws M5 (10 Pack) You'll need to clearance the t-track a bit to fit the head of the screw in. I used a step drill for this. It doesnt need much clearance Then thread the drop in t-nuts and install There's not issue with the t-bolts hitting the head of the screws.