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How about a <100$ 3D printer !

Discussion in 'Concepts and Ideas' started by Serge E., Nov 19, 2014.

  1. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
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    Here's an interesting ... experiment or way to get into 3D printing on a budget : "EWaste 60$ 3DPrinter", from mikelllc. The kids are bound to use it, no ? A great recycling idea for Christmas :

    The Instructiable describes the design of a very low budget 3D Printer that is mainly built out of recycled electronic components. The result is a small format printer for less than 100$.

    Learn how a generic CNC system works by assembling and calibrating bearings, guides and threads. You can then "teach" the machine to respond to Gcode instructions. Build (!) the small extruder, calibrate and then tune the driver along with a few other operations to bring this 3D printer to life.

    Seems like a great introduction to machine building and digital fabrication. You get a small 3D Printer at almost no cost IF you find the parts in your junk pile ... also check your local recycler.

    What a great idea !

    Just how precise can it be ? The CD/DVD steppers have to be pretty good, no ?

    I suddenly feel an itch to go through junk piles of electronic refuse ... :rolleyes:

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