How can I set up SmoothieBoard 1.1 for use with a CNC router that has one stepper motor for X-Axis, two stepper motors for Y-Axis, one stepper motor for Z-Axis, a 24VDC motor as spindle, three homing switches, and an E-Stop? The stepper motors are Moons 17HD4063-06N. I'm hearing-impaired and I can't watch any videos that don't have captioning. I tried to read the documentation but I got confused. I need to slave one axis to another axis. Any suggestions?
It isn't the easiest documentation to find, but they have a very detailed set-up manual here. cnc-mill-guide [Smoothieware]
I have read the manual shown at cnc-mill-guide [Smoothieware] but I'm afraid of soldering headers to the board because the pins are too close together and I may ruin the board.
I didn't realize you had to solder anything. I use an Arduino and external stepper drivers (DQ542MA) and have never seen a smoothie board in person. Soldering is fairly simple, though. If you are new to it, watch some videos and practice on some other stuff.