I am trying to connect my BlackBox Controller to a Windows machine that does not have internet access and that apparently needs to update the driver for FT232R USB UART. Is there a recommended download link for the driver software? Thanks
Yes, section 4.1 of OpenBuilds BlackBox 4X Documentation or Virtual COM Port Drivers Also don't forget to do section 4.2 from the documentation, while you are at it - else you could have USB issues later FTDI Drivers doesnt update all that often so first time install will be about the only time you need to download it, but OpenBuildsCONTROL does update regularly: See OpenBuilds Software - FREE Software for CNC Control: OpenBuilds CONTROL and OpenBuilds CAM and grab the latest at least once a month if you cannot do it more often, we update often, and its important to have latest version for integrations to work, bugs thats already fixed and new features all the time. On a connected PC it would keep itself updated