As I was ordering more parts to both upgrade my k40 laser and to finally finish the Acro I started years and years ago I stumbled across The Scribe Pen Lifter. So, I decided to get myself an early Christmas present. I was going to redo my simple drawing contraption to be better that what it currently is (a crappy 3D print with a 1/4 20 bolt that doesn't easily get centered): But it would be time consuming and not a real priority. I figured why not just go the easy way and buy the thing that was very similar to what I planned to build. Also that DrawBot software looks really interesting to play with during the cold winter months. I need more shades of gray to utilize it for the image I originally was going to test it on and I need a better way to zero it so I do not get the bleeding spots where it starts and ends each line. Here was a quick test and I totally recommend it. It took about 30 seconds to mount, but what I did not realize when I bought it that it comes with a servo for lifting the pen as well. I should read the product description better. I did not implement that on the CNC router, but I may move this over to the Acro when I am done. The speed i drew at was 4500mm/min, but I think I could speed that up easily, especially on a belt drive system like the Acro. Also, if anyone has any idea why my machine is making that squeeking noise only in the Y negative, please chime in. I have greased things, added ptfe repeatedly on all lead screws, and can not seem to make it stop.