Hi, Every time I import a picture with bold lettering and try to do a pocket carve, it includes the centers of letters when highlighted. For example, when I go to highlight the letter O it wants to include the center o. I would like to do a pocket carve without carving the center o. I have tried just doing outside path for center o and then pocket for the rest, but it still carves it out. I can do outside path for center and inside path for outer part of letter, But I really want the letters to be pocketed. Any tips or help with what I am doing wrong? Thank you
In V carve pro for example, you have a V carve / engraving toolpath for such jobs. Does the software you're using not have such an applet? To carve a letter O, the bit bit needs to plunge in the centre, between the O and the o so to speak.
I am currently using stencil models from online and bringing them into openbuilds cam software and creating toolpaths from there. I was hoping for some sort of setting within Cam software to do that. I plan on getting Vcarve pro when I can afford it. But I have not tried a V carve bit yet, just a 1/8" end mill bit. I could give that a try. Thanks!
While editing the toolpath, click Advanced Settings -> Merge Geometry. If you select the inside of the O, and the outside of the O, and tell it to Merge the geometry (merging as in "handle these two selected entities as a single entity) then it knows to consider the inside O as part of the O and acordingly then only pockets between the two OB CAM is quite flexible like that, depending on what is or is not selected - and whether you merge or don't you can get different effects. Quick to see the differences in the preview, so have a play with it