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Iboardbot: the Glass painting robot

Discussion in 'DrawBot' started by jjrobots, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. jjrobots

    jjrobots New

    Aug 19, 2017
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    Hi everyone! I just wanted to add the iboardbot to this list of OPENSOURCE drawing robots.

    The iBoardbot is a robot connected to the internet capable of writing texts and drawing with great precision. Also, it can erase in a quick and effective way. Send to your iBoardbot your information from any part of the world. As it has a multi-user interface you can also play and challenge your kids, use it as a collaborative notice board or as a twitter wall in your shop window.

    We have created it using regular stepper motors (NEMA17) and very common elements from the CNC/3D printer World. Coded in Arduino: modify it code as much as you need

    More info and building instructions (with BOM) here:
    The iBoardbot - jjrobots
    iBoardbot assembly instructions (v 1.3) - jjrobots

    20160129085259.jpg the cloud diagram.png iboardbot and grass.jpg
    crispin, GrayUK and Anthony Bolgar like this.
  2. Anthony Bolgar

    Anthony Bolgar Journeyman

    Jan 14, 2016
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    I have just found the next thing to put in my project que. Thanks for sharing this. I will probably scale it up to a larger work area.

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