I've had constant WiFi woes with my INTERFACE CNC Touch. Today I tried again to get wifi working. After setting the AP, when the Interface boots back up it stalls on step 4/7 getting a wifi connection. Sometimes the countdown stalls at 10. Sometimes 6, and once every 100th attempt it'll boot all the way. When I finally got it to boot I attempted to disable wifi, and there was no option in the menu! I think this is major bug that the unit will lockup during boot instead of hitting a timeout and continuing to boot. Effectively, my unit it bricked if I can't get it ever boot all the way up!
Firmware 1.58. My unit just stalls at step 4/7. It never times out and continues booting. I've used the USB preparation tool in the Control app and left the AP and password blank. No luck; it still locks up on the wifi step.
1) enter valid wifi details in the wizard 2) make sure the network is solid (good signal, working DHCP, is 2.4ghz 802.11b/g compatible) Timeout works if no network is found. If your router initiates a handshake timeout not appropriate as you want the router to complete doing its thing , but seems your router never completes the transaction (maybe DHCP disabled?). Blank SSID/password not expected so won't work to delete settings. Can do a reflash with "and erase settings" instead to clear saved setting