After I set work X/Y/Z zero position, if I have my cutter positioned well off and away from the workpiece, when I tap "go to XYZ Zero" the cutter moves to that location by operating all four steppers at the same time. This caused a crash the other day into my work piece and I had to E-stop and nearly broke the bit. Is there a way to re-order the movement in GRBL for this command so that it goes to X/Y zero at a safe Z height and then plunges? Or better yet to have a command/button on the Interface to just "Go to X/Y Zero" but NOT Z?
Click on the area next to "got to xyz zero" and select the second option. If you find that to be too much work, then create a macro for it and assign a keyboard shortcut to it.
Clicking the button to the Right of this command (top right of screen) simply sends the cuttterhead to XYZ zero - there is no option. I am running Interface V 1.51.
Sorry. Missed the "interface" in your title. I was speaking of Control. But similar suggestion. Add a gcode file to your usb drive that does what you want.
Can I ask you for some help on that subject – I tried to make a simple warm up routine file like the one we have on our ShopBot but I keep getting errors? If I post it, could you take a look at it?
This is the code: Code: M8 M3S1000 G4S120 M3S5000 G4S120 M3S8000 G4S120 M3S10000 G4S120 M3S180000 M5 M9 The Interface powers up the spindle and coolant relay and then they stay on and it gives a red error Will go grab a screenshot. Edit: "GRBL Error 28, Missing P or L Value." Assume I am missing something simple. Grant