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Interface - motors not jogging / grbl Settings / current adj

Discussion in 'Controller Boards' started by Bluestone, Jan 13, 2023.

  1. Bluestone

    Bluestone New

    Jan 13, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Hi All.

    New to this but not new to IT so apologies if this seems like a noob enquiry.

    I have what appears to be the same problem. Brand new X32.

    CONTROL connects to X32. The connection log (On Linux) is included below.

    When attempting a trial jog on X - Nothing. Including no voltage on either A or B winding.
    Control shows the position updating.

    Step 1. Done
    FYI - and this applies to CONTROL Running on both Linux Mint Vanessa and W11 (yes I know but that's what I need for business on the laptop)
    CONTROL v1.0.344
    grblHAL 1.1f (when flashing I get a port disconnected message after a few seconds - should that be happening?)

    Step 2. Done & noted

    Step 3.
    'Load a machine profile from either CONTROL ..." ?? Some further direction would be great.
    When I go to the Grbl Settings tab I get:
    1. Load Machine Profile yada yada. OpenBuilds Workbee 1510 is selected with Limit Switches (mechanical) enabled.
    Is this what I am looking for? No mention of X32.

    Ours is a bespoke CNC machine but all OpenBuilds NEMA23's (X, Y, Inverted Y2, Z), 0-10 v control of separate VFD.
    XYZ travel limits are appropriate for our bed size. (Yep, it's a big un)

    2. *** is 'Interface"?

    Supplementary Question
    Current Adjust pots
    How do I tell when they are mid-range?
    I completely appreciate the concern at Doc 2.2.1 about 270 rotation.
    Unfortunately one of our team who experienced the above problem (and who should know better) assumed it was a current adjust problem and has 'twiddled' them without first noting their initial position.
    I have no idea where they are set. I am reluctant to further adjust & risk the damage warned of at dot point 7.
    If I gently rotate them:
    a. can I expect resistance at either end of the range, or
    b. will they just overturn and do damage?

    If b. How do I reset at mid-range? (and I gently suggest this is a UI design flaw)

    Any advice will be GREATLY appreciated.

    With thanks in advance.


    Connection Log
    [01:21:55] [ 3D Viewer ] WebGL Support found! success: this application will work optimally on this device!

    [01:21:55] [ websocket ] Bidirectional Websocket Interface Started Succesfully

    [01:21:56] [ update ] Checking for Updates

    [01:21:57] [ update ] You are already running OpenBuilds CONTROL 1.0.344

    [01:22:03] [ connect ] PORT INFO: Port is now open: /dev/ttyUSB0 - Attempting to detect Firmware

    [01:22:03] [ connect ] Checking for firmware on /dev/ttyUSB0

    [01:22:03] [ connect ] Detecting Firmware: Method 1 (Autoreset)

    [01:22:03] [ ] ok

    [01:22:03] [ connect ] Detecting Firmware: Method 2 (Ctrl+X)

    [01:22:03] [ ] GrblHAL 1.1f ['$' or '$HELP' for help]

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $0=10.0 ;Step pulse time, microseconds

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $1=255 ;Step idle delay, milliseconds

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $2=0 ;Step pulse invert, mask

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $3=1 ;Step direction invert, mask

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $4=1 ;Invert step enable pin, boolean

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $5=0 ;Invert limit pins, boolean/mask

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $6=0 ;Invert probe pin, boolean

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $7=0 ;Disable spindle with 0 speed, boolean

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $8=0 ;Ganged axes direction invert as bitfield

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $10=1 ;Status report options, mask

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $11=0.020 ;Junction deviation, millimeters

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $12=0.002 ;Arc tolerance, millimeters

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $13=0 ;Report in inches, boolean

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $14=0 ;Limit pins invert, mask

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $15=0 ;Coolant pins invert, mask

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $16=0 ;Spindle pins invert, mask

    [01:22:05] [ $$ ] $17=0 ;Control pins pullup disable, mask

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $18=0 ;Limit pins pullup disable, mask

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $19=0 ;Probe pin pullup disable, boolean

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $20=0 ;Soft limits enable, boolean

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $21=1 ;Hard limits enable, boolean

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $22=1 ;Homing cycle enable, boolean (Grbl) / mask (GrblHAL)

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $23=0 ;Homing direction invert, mask

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $24=25.0 ;Homing locate feed rate, mm/min

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $25=500.0 ;Homing search seek rate, mm/min

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $26=250 ;Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $27=1.000 ;Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $28=0.100 ;G73 retract distance, in mm

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $29=0.0 ;Step pulse delay (ms)

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $30=1000.000 ;Maximum spindle speed, RPM

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $31=0.000 ;Minimum spindle speed, RPM

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $32=0 ;Laser-mode enable, boolean

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $33=5000.0 ;Spindle PWM frequency

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $34=0.0 ;Spindle off Value

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $35=0.0 ;Spindle min value

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $36=100.0 ;Spindle max value

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $37=0 ;Stepper deenergize mask

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $39=1 ;Enable printable realtime command characters, boolean

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $40=0 ;Apply soft limits for jog commands, boolean

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $43=1 ;Homing passes

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $44=4 ;Homing cycle 1

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $45=3 ;Homing cycle 2

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $46=0 ;Homing cycle 3

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $62=0 ;Sleep Enable

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $63=2 ;Feed Hold Actions

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $64=0 ;Force Init Alarm

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $65=0 ;Require homing sequence to be executed at startup

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $70=7 ;Network Services

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $73=1 ;Wifi Mode

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $74= ;Wifi network SSID

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $75= ;Wifi network PSK

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $100=250.000 ;X-axis steps per millimeter

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $101=250.000 ;Y-axis steps per millimeter

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $102=250.000 ;Z-axis steps per millimeter

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $110=500.000 ;X-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $111=500.000 ;Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $112=500.000 ;Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $120=10.000 ;X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $121=10.000 ;Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $122=10.000 ;Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $130=1600.000 ;X-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $131=3000.000 ;Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $132=200.000 ;Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $300=Grbl ;Hostname

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $302= ;IP Address

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $303= ;Gateway

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $304= ;Netmask

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $305=23 ;Telnet Port

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $306=80 ;HTTP Port

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $307=81 ;Websocket Port

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $341=0 ;Tool Change Mode

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $342=30.0 ;Tool Change probing distance

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $343=25.0 ;Tool Change Locate Feed rate

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $344=200.0 ;Tool Change Search Seek rate

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $345=100.0 ;Tool Change Probe Pull Off rate

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $370=0 ;Invert I/O Port Inputs (mask)

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] $384=0 ;Disable G92 Persistence

    [01:22:06] [ $$ ] ok

    [01:22:06] [ $I ] [VER:1.1f.20220325:workbee1510]

    [01:22:06] [ $I ] [OPT:VNSLW2,35,1024,3,0]

    [01:22:06] [ $I ] [NEWOPT:ENUMS,RT+,HOME,TC,SED,WIFI,SD]

    [01:22:06] [ $I ] [FIRMWARE:grblHAL]

    [01:22:06] [ $I ] [NVS STORAGE:*FLASH]

    [01:22:06] [ $I ] [DRIVER:ESP32]

    [01:22:06] [ $I ] [DRIVER VERSION:220327]

    [01:22:06] [ $I ] [DRIVER OPTIONS:v4.3.2-555-gb4ef1b80a2-dirty]

    [01:22:06] [ $I ] [BOARD:BlackBox X32]

    [01:22:06] [ $I ] [AUX IO:1,0,0,0]

    [01:22:06] [ $I ] [WIFI MAC:94:B5:55:31:02:C0]

    [01:22:06] [ $I ] [IP:]

    [01:22:06] [ $I ] [PLUGIN:SDCARD v1.05]

    [01:22:06] [ $I ] [PLUGIN:ESP32 WebUI v0.03]

    [01:22:06] [ $I ] ok

    [01:22:06] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 G49 G98 G50 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0.]

    [01:22:06] [ $G ] ok

    [01:22:07] [ connect ] Firmware Detected: grbl version 1.1f on /dev/ttyUSB0
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Correct, can see issues with your Grbl Settings indicating you did not load a machine profile correctly/yet. But please do start a new thread for seperate issues, as its not exactly the same as the original thread this was posted in :)

    $=1 is the incorrect value. Set it to 0(disabled) to enable the motors

    Also incorrect - set to 511 please or you'll not be able to use the DRO, troubleshooting tab, etc

    Also incorrect. Set to =1 for both (For Normally Open Switches and Normally Open probes like ours)

    Please do use CONTROL > Grbl Settings > Select a machine from the list (or restore a backup if migrating from an older BlackBox) to set the machine profile up - so that it sets the important values to their correct values

    We also have a CUSTOM option in the list for you to have started to start off from if its not similar to any in the list We'd have hoped you start there, then adjust relevant settings as needed for your custom machine (steps/mm, etc). For now though, at least correct the ones pointed out above

    We'd need Screenshots for us to tell you more. But do make sure to get a successful flash in, as there are bugfixes in newer firmware

    Yeah turn them left and right to find the ends. Just be gentle - its a hard stop at ends of travel, but people have been able to force past them causing damage

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