Hello! Unit was purchased on 2/1/2023. My interface has always given me issues(i've brough it up before, but was told it was EMI interference). I never once was able to get it to run a job successfully through interface. I am able to run one successfully through control though. Not sure how it is EMI interference if I can run a job on my laptop perfectly fine. I believe the USB port on my interface is faulty. On power up of interface, it will not let me put in the USB stick after. If I have the usb stick in there before powerup, its able to read the USB and I can read the files fine. But it cannot probe xyz, and it throws error code 4 the moment it tries to probe Z. But anytime the USB stick is inserted into the interface, my jogging is really erratic and sometimes even dangerous as it just locks it in and keeps moving the axis until I shutoff the machine. Without the USB stick, everything works great. No erratic issues, jogging is perfectly fine. I tried many different USBs. I performed the device test after updating my firmware to the latest version. I know I'm over the 1 year warranty period, I should have returned this.. What are my options?
They sent me a replacement Interface. That fixed the issue entirely! Thanks! Who would have thought a faulty USB port would cause so many issues lol.