... and I have to say "WAW". I like it very much. I'm connecting a FluidNC on USB or on IP Successfully. Just seems to have an issue with the glbl settings or fluidnc settings tab, as there is a status request emitted during the answer of the configuration dump that gives something odd: pulloff_mm: 4.000000 stepstick: step_pin: I2SO.10 direction_pin: I2SO.11 disable_pin: I2SO.9 ms1_pin: NO_PIN <Idle|MPos:20.000,0.000,0.000|FS:0,0> ms2_pin: NO_PIN ms3_pin: NO_PIN reset_pin: NO_PIN maybe there is a setting to avoid that? Keep up the good job!
Not ready yet... still several outstanding tasks: FluidNC support · Issue #283 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL Will announce when its all working Good catch, we might have to disable status query while the config dump is happening. One more Todo before FluidNC support will be ready Almost a shame fluidNC responds to "?" in the middle of a config dump, it should finish before responding, would make it better
Actually I asked them this is their answer: "Something is requesting status during the reading of the config. Status is an immediate command. Those commands have the highest priority in the system. We do not want to block them."
OK we'll work around that grblHAL and grbl doesn't respond to "?" during a "$$" (; - but thats OK, there are several "not grbl compatible enough" things that quick wins are few and far between.
FWIW, I noticed exactly the same thing the other day when I tried FluidNC again. (There was some other funky stuff, too - it seemed to get confused about limits, but I guess that's because it isn't ready yet). Back to GRBL_ESP32 for a little longer
Oh awesome, I've been wanting to reinstall FluidNC onto my MKS DLC32 for a while now - Im really looking forward to this being released!
hello how can we contribute to make openbuildcontroll compatible with FluidNC firmware ? best regards christophe
TBH, I don’t think FluidNC is as mature as say grblHAL currently is. Compatibility with Control aside, I found some odd issues that I couldn’t explain (like machine pauses etc) that simply don’t happen on grblHAL. grblHAL Also supports a lot of really advanced features like backlash compensation that aren’t presently available in FluidNC. /2c
i'vd made a MPCNC with a jackpot ESP32 based board running fluidnc firmware i love the open build control interface Jackpot CNC Controller Introduction to The MPCNC - V1 Engineering Documentation
It might be easier to get your board map into grblHAL though - the FluidNC work has been stagnant a while, and no one's jumping at it - so will probably still not be added - for a while Adding a pinmap to grblHAL is super easy though, particularly if you already have a working FluidNC map to look it up from: GitHub - grblHAL/ESP32: grblHAL driver for ESP32 Or, even better - buy a BlackBox docs:blackbox-x32:start [OpenBuilds Documentation] - support the company, that makes the software
i think the stagnant state about this issue FluidNC support · Issue #283 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL is more from the OBCteam perhaps because you prefer we buy your stuffs... not a really open behavior isn't it ?
Control software is open source, this means anyone can contribute. If it was not open source, this would not be the case. Just because you want a certain outcome, does not equal your assertion. I wish FreeCAD wasn’t a streaming pile of garbage that has inefficient, illogical workflows and a bunch of recalcitrant, actively hostile users who think it’s the best thing since sliced bread. That doesn’t stop it from being open source either.