Hi, Im new here and still trying to setup my machine, I am having trouble setting up travel. I tell it to travel 100mm and it travel 15mm in the z axis, any help would be gratefully appetited. I know its to do with the settings but cant for the life of me get it to calibrate. I have the ratrig killerbee 1500x1000 with the stepper motors listed below Nema 23 Stepper Motor - High Torque - 1.8degree/step, 345oz-in (ratrig.com)
Checkout Grbl v1.1 Configuration Have a read through the Steps-per-mm section, but also see Acceleration and Max Rate - if the machine stalls because those are set too high, you will have a hard time calibrating. Check those first, then calculate ballpark steps-per-mm (200 for our screws with 1/8 microstepping and 1.8deg motors for example) - put that as a starting number, use Calibration to fine tune that value (shouldn't be off by more than 5-6 steps each side of theoretical for Leadscrews) Make sure its not mechanical (Setscrews on shaft couplers nice and tight?)
ill give it a try, i did go strait to the wizard and ended up stalling the motor. reset setting to start again.
Thanks for the help, sorted it now, bit daunting when its all new to you, took the 200 as reference and worked from there with ruler to aid. dialed it in nicely, slowed the motors down to stop them from stalling. all screws nice and tight btw