I have a SPAM 3d kit. <sigh> It claims to be 4 axis. I assume they mean XYYZ. When I wire the Y-axes, do I double them up on the controller in the Y-axis ports or do I connect one of them to the A-axis ports and have the software duplicate the motions? I also have 3 limit switches and never got any instructions (or wire!) whatsoever on how to install them on the assembly. Does anyone have some documentation? It's pretty frustrating as I've already run the wires through the chains and I'm going to have to pull them out again to get the limit switch wires in there. [These are the only instructions that I have.](https://bulkman3d.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Novusun-Controller-Wiring-Diagram-BM3D-v1.2.pdf) I don't have a touch probe, so I guess I'll just have to figure that part out later.
Have you reached out to SPAM customer support? They may be able to help you. The wiring diagram looks pretty straight forward for the limit switches. Try to do a google search for the controller and you will most likely find a manual that will help.
Their support is useless. They kept giving me directions for a screw driven system instead of the belt driven one that I ordered, so I just stopped asking them for anything. Wiring the limit switches is no problem. I don't know how and where to place them on the assembly. Knowing nothing about it, it seems like there should be two switches on each axis, one for min and max, but there is only one limit switch for each axis.
They are used for homing. Top of z back right corner for x any y. If you need two per axis wire them in parallel for normally open series for normally closed. Just buy 3 more.