I have an OpenBuilds ACRO 510 machine that has been equipped with a 10W diode laser. I would like to have a honeycomb or knife surface to cut on but have had no luck finding anything that will cover the machine work area. The closest I have found is a 540x850mm honeycomb table on Amazon, E bay has much the same selection and price range. Does anyone know of a source for laser cutter tables for larger machines or a source for reasonably priced material to DIY one? I need something in the 500x1000mm size range.
Thank you for the link, I would use it if they get rid of the requirement to order in multiples of 4 but $450.00 is a bit steep. I may have to resort to splicing two 500x500mm Amazon specials together and call it good enough.
The point was that the HVAC industry has grates as always one would hope you look for a local Supplier, just grabbed you the first result that looked like what I wanted to show you. It's a total Hack - eggcrate grates aren't something you'd think of, but they are easily available due to the large HVAC industry
Good point! I have been searching for items related to laser which limits the results, will give eggcrate grates a try.
Finding expanding honeycomb is harder than it should be yes Years ago, I couldn't find either, so another hack - stainless mesh stretched over a frame - had to do for me (Worked quite well, but the eggcrates are better) :
Thank you for the ideas, its always good to have new options from someone that has tackled the project before. I found a 24x48 aluminum eggcrate grill on Amazon that will get me going. I will also check with local HVAC company and see if they can provide material or a local source to save on shipping cost.