Does anyone have any experience plugging in a LaserTree 20W into a Blackbox X32? Any troubles? I have a modified metal Ox, all on lead screws. I'm hoping I can get the speed I need to engrave without cutting straight through my materials. It says it supports PWM too. I'm thinking I can follow the instructions here and get it setup on my new build, hoping someone might be able to indicate it's stress free or what kinds of problems I will have: Here's the link for anyone interested: Thanks in advance.
The most stress-free option would be to rather use one of our recommended suppliers: Lasers - OpenBuilds Part Store - both provide excellent products, excellent support, videos that show you how to connect it to BlackBox, all you need for a "stress free" setup. With other vendors, check what they offer in terms of documentation, support, warranty, etc and decide accordingly - with some you may well find yourself on your own Generic laser wiring is covered in docs:blackbox-x32:start [OpenBuilds Documentation] (Sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.3)
I couldn't agree with you more and don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of the Openbuilds ecosystem, products, team, etc. I just want to keep my hobby at an expense level the boss approves of. The lasers that are OB approved start at $700 and go up. If there was a lower cost model, at a similar price point, I 100% would have bought it from OB. I paid $330 for a 20W laser. Being a part of the open community there is a certain amount of pain when you go off the beaten path, but thats also part of the fun. Plus, happy to share my experience if I end up being the only person with this laser. Just hope I am not on a dirt road, amd hope I can find a paved path to getting this thing working at a low price point. As always, appreciate your wisdom and knowledge!