Hi all. I am working on installing this head on my LEAD 1010. Below are a few pics of what I came up with based on hole alignment and available hardware. Obviously this isn't the intended installation of this head. I gain no height and using the motor to lift itself is counter intuitive. Anyone have a video or pictures of this head installed? Beauty of this hobby is we can modify stuff to work if need be!!!
Here are some examples I've seen OpenBuilds LEAD CNC Close up of the holes used on the Z plate OpenBuilds LEAD CNC The above two work easily because he's using a different spindle mount. Another guy trying to figure it out here: OpenBuilds LEAD CNC
Hmmm. now to figure out how he managed to align the second universal plate holes with the back of the slider...... I must have missed something. also wondering how he got them so tight onto the x gantry universal plate.
****!!!! Sharmstr you are the MAN! I feel quite humbled that I missed the hole alignment - you can even pass a tool thru the back gantry plate to avoid using a standard hex key.... I owe you one! Now to solve the router mount issue. Then wire this machine. I can't power it up as my Blackbox won't arrive until later next week.
Problem is solved. You have to remove the front plate off of the linear guides, etc. And carefully reassemble and align. There are countersunk holes on the back that line up with the Openbuilds mount. Hopefully this helps the next person that does this upgrade!
Appreciate the follow up and pics. Makes it easier for me to answer a question i know nothing about. Lol