I jumped on this deal and am looking forward to experimenting with it ! I would like to thank Mark for this offer and helping me with shipping to Canada . LEAD CNC 1010 (40" x 40")
I have received this machine assembled it using video instructions and now have it up and running ......woot ! This is my first CNC and appears to be well worth the wait . Thanks to Openbuild"s for this good deal and their great service . The kit was excellently packed ,labeled and protected from rugged shipping . During the build I had a shortage of a few screws in the kit I sent an email to Openbuilds staff and it was rectified very quickly . I am very pleased with their service and product . I look forward to learning on this machine and possibly being able to contribute to this community . Cheers
This is great news. Don't forget we want to know how you get on, and some pictures or even a video would be great to see. Well Done May The Chips Fly For You