Hello! I have some unexpected play in my Z gantry although all my eccentric nuts are in most tight position (I even addes third wheel in the middle to stabilize that) and in some harder cuts my router just starts to jump and wobble. Because of that my overall stifness is too low and I can't reach full potential of the machine - it's pretty annoying especially with vcarving - 3mm deep carve with 90 degress can start that wobbling. I came out with a quick fix - can I just add one or two eccentric nuts on the opposite side instead of spacers? I have a press drill, it should be easy fix, but isn't that mechanically stupid and won't it bring some unwanted forces to play? The ideal fix is to make the Z plate move by linear guides but it's way longer and harder fix than drill a precise hole to add eccentric which should add some stiffness. Thanks and I am waiting for you reply! RafaĆ