Hi, I've just installed Xtension limit switches on my machine (BB x32) and have ran into a strange problem. When manually triggering the switches, Control is showing "triggered" when the switches are pressed and "off" when not pressed, every time. Triggers are showing on the correct axis. However, getting Control to give a "Hard limit triggered" notification and stop the machine is very sporadic. Sometimes control will give a hard limit trigger the moment the switch is pressed, other times it won't give the notification when pressed but will give one when the switch is released, and sometimes it won't give a notification at all. I've tested with the machine running, with the machine turned off (USB Powered) and I've tried with everything disconnected (apart from limit switches), using Control and using the Interface. Same results. Any advice on where else I should be looking to try and solve this? $0=10.0 $1=255 $2=0 $3=4 $4=0 $5=7 $6=1 $8=0 $9=1 $10=511 $11=0.010 $12=0.002 $13=0 $14=0 $15=0 $16=0 $17=0 $18=0 $19=0 $20=0 $21=1 $22=1 $23=0 $24=100.0 $25=1000.0 $26=250 $27=5.000 $28=0.100 $29=5.0 $30=1000.000 $31=0.000 $32=0 $33=5000.0 $34=0.0 $35=0.0 $36=100.0 $37=0 $39=1 $40=0 $43=1 $44=4 $45=3 $46=0 $62=0 $63=2 $64=0 $65=0 $70=7 $73=1 $74=NaN $75= $100=199.100 $101=199.100 $102=199.100 $110=2000.000 $111=2000.000 $112=500.00 $120=50.000 $121=50.000 $122=50.000 $130=810.000 $131=730.000 $132=90.000 $300=NaN $305=23 $306=80 $307=81 $341=0 $342=30.0 $343=25.0 $344=200.0 $345=200.0 $346=1 $370=0 $384=0 $396=30 $397=0 $398=35 $481=0 $I=custom
Just an update incase anyone has a similar issue to this in the future. Simple fix, I just re-flashed the BBx32 and all seems to be working correctly
Probably not so much the reflashing itself, as that the process upgraded the firmware, there was a bug with Hard Limits along with Wifi enabled at the same time very long ago - important to always be on the latest firmware for a reason