I am changing over my old OX CNC to the Black Box Motion Controller. The install was a breeze but when I opened CONTROL to set my parameters it shows my Y axis limit switch as triggered... which it was not. The other two axis are operating normally. After some troubleshooting it seems that the signal pin on the BlackBox for the Y axis limit is passing through the 5VDC as well? This isn't some hidden setting I am unaware of is it?
No, but it has a Pull-up to prevent noise. That's maybe what you are noticing there. Be sure to wire your switches as shown in docs:blackbox:start [OpenBuilds Documentation] > Section 3.4.x
I see... Well I pulled all the V+ out of the switch plugs but I guess the damage is done! My Y Axis limit still reads Triggered. My meter still reads 5v but drops quickly to below a volt. Can anything be done or did I just receive a costly lesson in RTFM?!
Can you explains what exactly was miswired? Which version of BlackBox you have? (can peek into the vents on the back side (opposide side of where the power switch is) - V2.xx - if its recent purchase probably a V2.9 or V2.10) Also: - What is your $5 Limits Invert setting in Grbl settings currently? (or a Grbl settings backup please) - With all the limits unplugged - what does the Troubleshooting tab display (screenshot please)
Well, I am unsure if anything was "miswired" When I installed everything the only thing I had to re wire was Y2 Motor to change direction. My version is V2.6.
I was referring to this: What kind of switches do you have? Assuming its not the Xtension Limits then? Micro Limits? Was NC wired to V+ at any point? (With C to GND and NO to SIG?) or how was it wired, prior to you 'pulling all the V+' out?
Oh, I see. The switches are some Makerbot microlimits. I can't say with 100% certainty that it never was wired as you said as my 2 son's were helping me at the time but I don't believe so. The switches were wired with the grd to grd, V+ to V+ and sig to sig. Like I said the other two are working perfectly. Oh and thank you so much for taking to time to help me with this!
Thanks for confirming. Please contact the store via Support > New Ticket for further assistance - please include a link to this thread so they can see the Troubleshooting already performed