I am interested in making a Linear Stop using Openbuilds something similar to this http://rexelpoland.com/en/catalog/view/9/3/manual-length-measuring-stop-pr-1 I would like to be able to Set a Distance and have it move to that position. but also be able to move it manually by hand if needed and have it report back the current length. Any advise regarding getting a arduino or other controller to do this would be appreciated.
Thanks. Id rather not run it on a PC.. need to figure out a simple way to run it on with a keypad and small LCD
Easily implemented as an arduino based system. Ref http://www.openbuilds.com/builds/time-lapse-camera-rail.1307/ for ideas. Different programming obviously but the physical build wouldn't be much different. You'll probably want to include a motor encoder if you want dead-on accuracy.
Yes and no. Theoretically you can count steps but if you get it moving too fast it can lose track of them.
I saw a link, someone recommended these steppers with built in encoders http://www.jvl.dk/758/mis-motor-integrated-stepper-motors
I wouldn't say so. For this I think a servo is a bit overboard. I'm guessing speed isn't a concern, so a stepper is probably the most economic route. You could even throw in a homing routine. How long do want to make this?
maybe soemthing like this http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Cool-Muscle-...ler-NEMA-17-/321700585511?hash=item4ae6d96027
Perhaps using a Robot Servo with belt drive Vrail would do the trick http://www.trossenrobotics.com/dynamixel-ax-12-robot-actuator.aspx using this Driver shield for Arduino. might be the ticket http://www.dfrobot.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=958#.Vf1-zPlVhBc
Trying to make a Digital End Stop for cutting pieces to an exact length. like this http://proscale.com/products/woodworking_related/prostop2.htm but more automated. so i can set 10.4 inches and it will adjust to the exact spot needed so i can make accurate cuts. so it would likely be Arduino based, have a control keypad a simple LCD Display to show position I should also be able to slide it manually by hand without it loosing its position. thats why the servo or an encoded stepper
looking for the same thing. can't seem to find a mechanism that allows for manual engagement/disengagement from the lead screw.