Latest update v1.0.321 Jacked up my entire setup (BlackBox) That has been working fine, daily and with 10-15hr run times for the past 3 months with ZERO ISSUES or connectivity problems. After update: -Lost all grbl settings, steps, work area etc... -Would not reload saved settings from before -Tried to flash The Black Box- "Flash Failed" error -After getting settings close, after jogging for 1/2 the work area (1500mm) It stops and gives me an "wait for Idle" error over and over. Need to restart Control software to start again. -After a few times testing that, I started getting the **** PORT 3 error. Restarted the PC and was able to connect untill one of the above errors randomly happened again. Now even after a restart I can no longer connect to the black box at all. -went ahead and Updated Drivers with no positive results. I want to find an older version of the control software to what I had before and an option to STOP any future updates? I'm Loosing a Massive amount of time dealing with this.
A software update cannot cause the issues you describe. Sounds more like a short circuit or power surge killed your BlackBox. Speak to after going over all your wiring and finding the cause of the damage
If you are running your machine commercially for that many hours a day and it is critical to your cashflow, then you should have a spare Blackbox on the shelf and a backup of the known good GRBL settings loaded on it ready to go. Just like a backup of your PC data is critical to your business, hardware backups are also important enough to spend time and money on.