I need long 1/8" router bits with 1/4" shanks because I was asked to cut out a sign from 3/4" MDF board. Regular 1/8" router bits with 1/4" shanks have cutting length of 1/2". I have some 1/8" router bits with 1/8" shanks but I don't have 1/8" collet for Porter Cable 690 router in the CNC machine at the program for mentally-handicapped people. Any suggestions?
Bits and Bits Company. They have all different size and length 1/8" bits with 1/4" shanks. Even have one with a 1" LOC. I think they have a 10% sign up coupon and if you watch Shaun Boyd video, he has 15% off codes. Tools today probably has something as well.
You can use Reducing Collet Adapter 1/4" to 1/8" to fit 1/8" bits. Alex. Thanks to the mod who edited this - didn't know OB did this -Alex.
Ordering a proper collet for the router makes far more sense than spending extra on router bits. A proper collet is also less dangerous than an adapter. Elaire Corporation - Porter Cable Collets