Hello, openbuild shop didn't sale plate for extra Z dimension. I look at [spam link removed] without success. Any idea from where I can get them as I need to get 155mm clearence on Z. Thanks
Hi @laurent Besseas , I have no experience of doing this myself - but the thread I have linked to below suggests that the High Z Mod for Lead CNC can be fitted to the workbee and would give you the ability to increase the Z height. Larger CNC Machine Alex.
Probably so - I had assumed from your original message that you were wanting to modify a workbee you already had. If it's a completely new machine you are looking for then the Lead 1010 with the high Z mod would seem to meet your needs. Alex.
I need to invest into one CNC but it need to be shorter XY for higher Z or wider XY for smaller Z, we can't get the best of both on stock!
As the LEAD uses NO custom plates at all, its all off-the-shelf parts from openbuildspartstore.com you can modify it to your hearts desire. Watch the build video, explore the sketchup model, and you'll see what you want to swop So no need for taller "Z plates" - on the LEAD the sides are just off the shelf pieces of V-Slot (you can order in 250,500, etc lengths, or order long and cut yourself any length you need)
where can I find the workbee lead screw plates? I want to modify them from stock. I searched the openbuilds Grab Cad, the PDF's and Sketchup and only sketchup has the work bee Y axis plates, but they are for the belt verison, not the lead screw. thanks.
There is a .dxf of all the plates in the build section under files. OpenBuilds Workbee 1010 (40" x 40")