I have an old single ply fabric cutting system that I need to (1) re-build the entire electrical system and (2) use a different control. Does anyone know of a turnkey solution such as the kits for routers and such that would work? The two big issues are the tangential direction commands "aka steering" (which keeps the pizza wheel cutter steering in the right direction) and (2) that would control the Z axis via an air solenoid to drop or lift the cutting head. System looks like this: Carlson Design – G5.1 Series Plotter/Cutter Thanks!
I have an old single ply fabric cutting system that I need to (1) re-build the entire electrical system and (2) use a different control. Does anyone know of a turnkey solution such as the kits for routers and such that would work? The two big issues are the tangential direction commands "aka steering" (which keeps the pizza wheel cutter steering in the right direction) and (2) that would control the Z axis via an air solenoid to drop or lift the cutting head. System looks like this: Carlson Design – G5.1 Series Plotter/Cutter Thanks!
so you will need a BlackBox X32 24v psu Extention limit switches and wires of suitable lengths flash the XYZA firmware to the X32 modify whatever generates your Gcode to output those cutter rotate commands as 'A' commands. The A axis is normally parallel to the X axis, but the X32 does not actually care as it is not geometry aware (the more fancy controllers are). One of the relay outputs can control the lift solenoid I think.
Hey David, Thanks for the info. Would that "A" axis allow it to "steer" as it's cutting (think of the pizza wheel cutter cutting an arc) or would it only lift/cut at corners?
Attached is an example of what comes out of the current cutting program as the "G-Code" it uses (yes, I know it's not G-Code). Below is a sample clip from the txt file. This cuts (90) rectangular boxes. #Plot ` NewTable 0 penup 1 penup ` Panel 1 0 penup 1 Cutter_Select ` Line 1 penup flush_plot 80000 set_feedrate 8001 1 acut flush_plot 1 pendown 35000 set_feedrate 8001 58501 acut ` Line 1 penup flush_plot 80000 set_feedrate 16001 58501 acut flush_plot 1 pendown 35000 set_feedrate 16001 1 acut ` Line
Below is the code the software pushes out for a 6" circle. #Plot ` NewTable 0 penup 1 penup ` Panel 1 ` Arc 0 penup flush_plot 80000 set_feedrate 6001 3001 acut flush_plot 0 pendown 20493 set_feedrate 3001 3001 3000 0.000000 360.000000 arc 0 penup flush_plot 80000 set_feedrate #EndTable
I can export this from the nesting software into a DXF or HPGL as well. The issue I see is how to convert the steering of the pizza wheel cutter. I wonder if this could be done in the OpenBuilds CAM - GCODE Generator if I import the file?
Treat it like a drag knife. You need offset compensation and cornering compensation both in the gcode that the BB will run.
Unfortunately you cannot "drag knife" a 28mm pizza wheel cutter, even if it's on a swivel head. The head has to track with the direction of X/Y travel. The link below will give you a better idea on what the head needs to do.
That was my first thought too, but not always ideal Which is why David recommended using the A-Axis on the X32. And why I recommended Fusion 360. You'd need an advanced CAM like Fusion to setup the right toolpaths to handle the A-Axis too
I use Fusion 360 (I am an original user of F360 - early adopter client). In my machine shop (Tormach 1100M and Slat Pro) I am familiar with setting up the A axis for my 4th axis work but not really sure how I would apply an A axis to steer along a curved line that is drawn in the X/Y plane. If someone can help me put together a turn key package for this upgrade, I'm willing to pay for the assistance.
If David doesn't come along with a reply, cross posting that question on the Fusion forums may yield more info - the non standard stuff always takes a little more research
on a conventional XYZA router the A axis is a rotary axis parallel to the X axis, also known as a 4th axis. so here we are rotating it to be parallel to Z, technically then a C axis but since the Blackbox sees it as A we need the Gcode to call it A. (it may be possible to change the BB software to see it is C, using as yet unknown compile options ) So, assuming we can get the Gcode generated correctly, yes, the roller will be made to follow the arc. for example, cutting left to right horizontally then turning 45 degrees down might look like G1 A0 G1 X100 G1 A-45 ; turns clockwise 45 degrees G1 X150 Y-50 ; move at 45 degrees to X
goodness me, I have never seen anything like that before (-: what size rectangle is it cutting? a Blackbox, or any other controller that understands Gcode, will not be happy to receive that ! however, if we can figure out the units and directions etc, it can be converted to Gcode
google is not showing me any built in feature in Fusion360 to output the cutter rotate commands. There is a dragknife plugin, but that does not do what you need. However, calculating the cutter angle from the begin and end points of the cut line is trivial math, then outputting the rotate command before the line move command is simple enough. The only trick will be ensuring that the entire drawing is line segments, no arcs allowed at all. In your video I see that the existing controller is splitting arcs into distinct line segments, so this is not a big change in what you see the machien doing. up and down is a simple solenoid on/off operation? easy to wire that to the spindle enable relay, then M3/M5 will lower and raise the cutter. I believe this is doable.
From what I understand it's MicroCito code that's used in things like plotters and such. I will try and figure out the decoding.
It looks like the language is uCito / HPGL. Interwebs show that the units is HPGL. HPGL is set up in HPGL units. For example, 1 inch usually equals 1016 HPGL units. It does not matter if your machine is set up in inches or metric - an HPGL unit is still an HPGL unit.
MicroCito, ugh. Better to import the DXF to Fusion360 and generate Gcode from there. Then the post can take care of generating the angle instructions, no problem.
I can create the DXF files from AutoCAD LT or Fusion with no issue. The proprietary cutting program was nice since it had a nesting feature and some basic drawing features. I'm guessing I would need to create a custom post processor for Fusion 360 to handle the Z (cutting head) up/down air solenoid and the A or C "steering" of the pizza wheel cutter. Interesting that in both our Carlson Design and Autometrix machines, they refer to the steering as the Z axis motor... Would love to create something with off the shelf electronics line the Open Builds Black Box and a post processor. These cutting machine folks have the market. Basic system starts at around $40k. Autometrix base model is $60k.....
I am proposing to do the Fusion post for you, since I already maintain the OB Fusion post, I know where to *look* (-: I should be able to have aprototype running in a week or so, house is upside down with a shower refit at the moment, but after that....
well, there will be more delay since my mother has been in hospital for some weeks and life is highly random, and no, the shower is not done yet, contractors not my favourite people....