I am using the X32 for a Genmitsu PROVerXL 6050 PLUS. In the Machine Profile the only option I can find is "Custom". Are there any default ones I can use, or do I have to identify the GRBL settings for the Custom Machine, If I need to enter the GRBL settings, does anyone have the latest from Genmitsu? The ones I have found thus far have different variables than what I find in X32.
yes, load 'custom' and then change the things that need changing. What will need changing? make sure homing and soft limits are off. first, calibration, the steps/mm for each axis(1). use the calibration wizard, and do each axis over as long a distance as you can measure. then, max speeds and accelerations (double speed till it fails and go back one, then double accell till it fails and go back one) then, directions, does it move in the correct directions? if not, change the axis directions, X+ right, Y+ back, Z+ up have home switches? if yes then setup homing, you will need to change the homing directions if the switches are not at the + ends of axis travel. (1) yes, just do it , carefully of course, do some short moves with the settings the custom profile loaded. The settings are conservative and it will move ok. How far will it move? Maybe close to correct, or too short or too far. I would do a 10mm move G0 X10 and see what happens. if very short actual move then move further G0 X100 and calibrate else if a 10mm move moves it much too far then change the steps/mm (double it) now and try again so you can do a calibration cycle and have the move be within the machine boundaries. cheat code: a steps/mm setting of 1 will most often turn the motor 1 revolution if you command a move of 1600mm. (G0 X1600) the distance moved when the motor does 1 turn tells you the leadscrew pitch. 8mm is common. steps/mm = microsteps * microstepping / pitch microsteps = 200, most steppers motors are 200 microstepping = 8 , blackbox default pitch = 8mm is common on tabletop routers. so, steps/mm is theoretically 200, which calibration will tune to about 199.2 or so since the leadscrews are never spot on. yes, all calibration is in mm, blame the 200 countries that use the metric system rather than the 3 that don't, because that is fair (-: