I'm going to be switching jobs soon, and the new job will have me programming in Mastercam a lot. Is there a Openbuilds GRBL post available for it? I do know that if there isn't, I can make one, but that will be a while down the road before I'm comfortable doing that. Thanks!
Mastercam will have a list of postprocessors and even if it does not mention GRBL it may mention brands like Shapeoko and others that use GRBL based controllers. If you don't find anything like that, then choose the post that produces the simplest possible Gcode, G0/G1/G2/G3 only, always outputs G20 or G21 to set units and uses G17 plane for arcs (or linearize all arcs so no G2/3 in the gcode) no toolchanges, no drilling cycles, no tool radius compensation offsets (do radius compensation 'in computer').