I am new here, and sorry for less knowledge about CNC electronics. I recently bought 4 Nema23 step motors 0.9deg, 2.8A/phase, inductance 5.6mH/phase, nominal voltage 3.2V/phase, resistance 1.13 Ohm/phase, holding torque 18kgcm, detent torque 680gcm. Using formula that max voltage for motor is 32*sqrt (L), L is inductance in mH, I found that maximal voltage for stepper is around 76 V. Safe area would be about 70V. I chose driver Leadshire driver DM856, with voltage range to 80V. I chose PSU DC 70V 14.3A. (2/3*4*2.8=7,6 A). Could I use this driver and PSU for those motors? Besides, in many specifications I found that the stepper driver JK1545 and PSU of 36V is enough. Should I use JK1545 with 36V (or 48V) PSU, or DM856 and 70V PSU? What is better to me? I am afraid that I am burn down my steppers with 70V PSU.
More voltage = more torque but less accuracy its best to get something in the middle. if your going to be microstepping.