Hello, I know there is a way to change the microstepping of a Blackbox from 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32.. now, what if I want to go the other way? Is there a way to get 1/4 or 1/2? Also, what is the maximum, reliable, rpm that people can run with the openbuilds high torque steppers with the BB setup? Thanks!
We didn't expose those options (just not useful to our general customer base, too noisy) Steppers are not meant for High RPM as such, the faster they go, the more Back-EMF they create, the causes them to start stalling. Typical maximum feedrates are in the range of 7500mm/min for leadscrew, and up to 10,000mm/min for belt drives - depending on loads, weights, machine config, etc - of course we set it much lower in our default profiles for reliability (no two machines are the same, to each his own tweaking)