Their web page does not give any detail on their control box except that they are running separate drivers at 48v That is in fact better than the BlackBox in terms of top speed and accelerations. If you current control is dead and has to be replaced anyway, then a whole bunch of questions arise before one can decide on what to advise. are the drivers dead is the controller dead are both dead is the 48v power supply dead is the controller 5v or 3.3v drivers dead (+controller maybe) - yes replace everything with a blackbox, not as fast but the future is easily fixable and no knowledge other than how to attach wire 1 to contact 1 is needed controller dead and 5v - replace with an Arduino Uno with GRBL - some electronics experience needed controller dead and 3.3v - replace with one of the boards supported by grblHAL - somewhat trickier to do so if you have no electronics background, replace all with BB 48v psu dead? just replace it, but also ask what killed it and try to prevent that happening again. if you are replacing everything then you can easily sell the working 48v drivers on eBay (-: probably pay for the BB and 24v PSU with that income
Thanks, so you are saying that the controller that came with the machine is better than the Open builds black box?
No, I am saying that the drivers and psu are better, the controller is a GRBL box as far as I can tell from their website which tries quite hard to not tell you what the controller is.