hello every one i`am useing v-carve pro and my issue is my cut out says it will take 2 hours but it took 10 hours machine seems to be slow I`am useing ballscrew motors are nemo 23 ..i did the mach3 motro calibration every thang seems to be on target motors seem to be slow ...any help on ballscrew settings ...or advice...
Seems to me that your maximum machine speed is slower than the feedrate you gave to Vcarve. What are the actual numbers?
3 inches/sec is 4500mm/min (faster than my belt drive machine can do at this time) What are your settings for GRBL variable $110 $111 and $112? (openbuildsCONTROL|GRBL settings)
Then you need to look in the mach3 settings for the max rapid travel rates. If you don’t know where to look then check the manual, the mach3 forums, and google. I dont use mach3 so I don’t know where the setting is, only that it exists and needs to be checked to diagnose your problem.