Hi all, I'm shopping for suitable motors to go with my (leadscrew) Taig mill conversion, probably going to go with the blackbox x32 as i'm new to the whole cnc thing and it sounds relatively plug and play! Which of these would be best with the blackbox please? https://www.omc-stepperonline.com/e...-04oz-in-2-8a-57x57x56mm-4-wires-23he22-2804s The dual shaft one had particularly low resistance/inductance in bipolar parallel https://www.omc-stepperonline.com/d...nm-178-4oz-in-3a-57x56mm-8-wires-23hs22-3008d Stepper Motor 1.5Nm Nema23
Ours would be first choice Electronics - Stepper Motors - OpenBuilds Part Store For 3rd party Motors: Basically you want to check that you have Bipolar Motors 3-6v Coil rating (higher will be slow on acceleration) 1-2mH Inductance (higher will limit top speeds) 1.7-4A Max Current