Hi, I have the yalang YL620-A VFD ( this is the single terminal board ) and I got it up and running. I have it running with Control. it works with tool on/off and regulated the blackbox to send out correct voltage to the VFD according to the speed I am running. Everything is working great except my start run. The spindle will not turn on until I hit 3800 rpm's. Higher up RPM's work fine and have the right voltage. I have set my parameters to 0 and 400 in VFD. I also have $30 to 24000 and $31 to 0 in control. I understand that it is hard to give help on VFD's as there are so many kinds, but I was wondering if there was a parameter I should be looking for to fix this? It is a 110v 1.5kw 24000rpm 400hz motor. If you could at least guide me where to look i would appreciate it as I already am on my 4th full day trying to get it going smooth. Thank You!
Is it an air-cooled spindle? Can't help with the specific setting (browse the VFD manual) but do note with an air-cooled spindle there is a minimum RPM to prevent overheating, do not set it lower than that (the vfd parameter for minimum freq/rpm is a safeguard to keep the minimum RPM)
Hi Peter, Yes it is an air cooled spindle. That makes sense. So I can just go in to control and edit the M3 to start at 3800 RPM? Would that be ok to do? Thanks!
More of a VFD setting. Min freq or min rpm. So even if you accidentally send bad gcode, the spindle is still cooled properly Oh and i think the minimum for cooling is 8000 or 10000rpm. Check spindle specs
I just checked spindle and it says speed 8000 - 24000 RPM. I also checked the vf parameter for min frequency and that is set to 30hz. So I should just leave things alone? So you do not think I should change M3 to say like 8000 rpm so it starts right up when I turn tool on? Thanks
Double check my math, but I think If 24000 RPM = 400Hz then 30Hz: (30/400) = 0.075 of maximum (24,000*0.075) = 1800 rpm Way less than the 8000 minimum? 8000/24000 * 400 = 133Hz minimum?
someday you are going to run gcode from a new post or forget to change the value, or an upgrade changes something... setup the limit on the VFD, its cheaper than a new spindle motor
well, by my count 3x I've recommeded you do set that VFD parameter to protect the spindle (; - but it's up to you from here The VFD factory isnt going to default it to a CNC spindle. Most often VFDs are used to run 3 phase industrial motors (1800-3500 rpm) from single phase (;