hello, I’m looking for some help. I have the 1050 workbee with a blackbox , and I would like to add Axis 4th Rotary axis https://www.amazon.fr/RATTMMOTOR-mandrins-partielle-contre-roue-fraiseuse/dp/B08LPMMNNZ?th=1 Do you have any idea of a good rotary axis model? And how do we connect it to the blackbox? thank you
You must choose either the X or Y axis to run it along. If you run it parallel with the X axis, you will need to disconnect the Y stepper motors. Then plug one of the Y stepper motor cables into the rotary axis. You will then have to change your Y GRBL settings $101(Grbl v1.1 Configuration · gnea/grbl Wiki) to whatever the rotary steps/mm has been calculated to be. If you choose to run it along the Y axis, then you would unplug the X axis and do the same thing as mentioned above. As for a rotary axis model, when I first started looking for a rotary axis for my lathe, I wanted a 4 - jaw chuck so I could easily put square material in it. But, I had a hard time finding one in a 100 mm diameter. The one I found was about $75 more. Looking back on that, I realize a 65mm diameter rotary axis in either 3 or 4 jaws would have been just as good, but significantly cheaper. The reason I say this is because I do not hold the wood with the jaws. I use Adaptor Plates For Non-round Stock For A 3 Jaw Chuck. Since making those aluminum plates, I have cut a 2 inch dowel to about 1.5 inches in length. I fasten the dowel to the work stock and then clamp that into the chuck jaws. This keeps the work piece further from the jaws and therefore, I can get closer to the end of the workpiece without fear of the endmill hitting the chuck jaws. This leads to less waste. I tried to do a pretty detailed write-up of my lathe build and it may help you out. LEAD Lathe