I had recently purchase 1500mm c-beam and 1500MM CNC Ball Screw RM1605 C7 & BK/BF12 End Support & Ballnut Housing Little did I know that the housing will not fit in between the z axis and inside the beam. The housing does not fit in between the c-beam at all. The reason I was only going with a one sided x-axis is because I went with 1500mm linear rails I was looking at placement options I don't see adding wheels and a backplate when I have linear rails and bearings and I really don't want to run a t-8 leadscrew it just seams too small for this machine. does anyone know what the biggest size screw I can get that the housing will fit inside the c-beam or any other suggestions for the lead screw I have. I want to get thoughts before I buy another leadscrew and it not fit. All Comments Appreciated.