I have an ACRO 1510 system set up on the X32 and using Lightburn. The way I built my enclosure I access the machine from the Y axis (long side) and have my computer sitting in a similar orientation. Because of this my screen and physical view of the machine do not really correspond with the machine coordinates. More than once now this has caused my idiot brain to jog the machine incorrectly or set up cuts wrong because of the rotation. Its a small issue but one I would like to change if its easily possible. Given the machine having 2 Y motors I am hesitant to change anything within the GRBL setup, but it also seems like LIghtburn has no way to address this. Has anyone else ran into and/or solved this? Thanks
Prep: Take a Grbl Settings backup (CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > Backup settings button) so you can always go back if you wish - store it where its safe 1) Plug the "new Y" into Y1 2) Plug the "new X1" into X 3) Plug the "new X2 (2nd motor) onto Y2 4) Go to http://svn.io-engineering.com:8080/?driver=ESP32&board=BlackBox X32 and compile a custom firmware build where you set (Setting X to ganged will use the spare driver (Y2) as a 2nd X driver - our stock firmware we set Y=ganged) 5) Flash the downloaded firmware using CONTROL > Wizards and Tools > Firmware flashing tool > machine style > Custom Firmware Bin 6) Connect and restore your backup (reflash will likely delete old settings, thus critical to backup before flash, and restore backup after flash) 7) Test and address any issues Additional: - Swop X and Y limits connectors on controller end too if you use homing - Make sure machine jogs correct directions, otherwise correct in Grbl Settings > $3 Dir Invert - After the rotation, tell Grbl where your limits are in Grbl Settings > $23 (Axis max or min side)