I have had my Workbee Lead 1010 set up for no more than 2 weeks now and have only run 3-4 jobs on it so far. I was in the process of checking the work space of a 15" x 15" circle. My machine started great from the work zero. Moved along the +X-axis fine, then up the +Y-axis all conditions normal, but then it was supposed to travel in the -X direction but instead it ran in the +X direction. I don't have limit switches on that side so I aborted the check size before it ran into the end rail. After I aborted, I went to manually move my router in the -X direction, but it decided to move in the +X direction and made a terrible grinding sound. I continued to try and get it to move in the -X direction but no matter what button I pressed, it moved in the +X. I turned off the black box and manually moved my router into the center to prevent my machine from getting a mind of its own and running into the sides of any rails. I turned the black box back on and now when I manually move the X-axis using the +/- X controls, it reverses polarity randomly. When I click +X, it sometimes goes +, sometimes goes -. Same with when I press the -X direction. The motor also sounds like it is grinding versus the regular buzz I was getting with that motor and all my other motors. Thoughts? Faulty motor? I checked the electrical connections and they were good. I reset the grbl settings, restarted, closed and opened the controller and I am still getting random movement and a grinding motor. Unsure what is going on and what caused this sudden fault. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Never move a motor by hand! It turns into a generator, backfeeding the drivers, which can destroy them! Always only move by jogging. If you cannot jog, fix that first Luckilly this doesnt sound like a killed driver and more like only 3 of your 4 motor wires are making contact. Check wiring, pinched insulation, loose terminal, bad joint, plug not inserted all the way, or a break inside a wire. 100% comfirms 3 out of 4 wires making contact. (theres two reasons a motor makes that noise - 3/4wires or incorrectly identified coil pairs. As yours was working, means coils were paired correctly, more likely after moving a connection became undone)
Had to wait for the video to download, but the motor does make a whoop up and down sound still... More whirr that grind, so also check your couplers/pulleys aren't slipping on the motor shaft?
I understand it turning into a generator. It was more I had to move it away because I had ~20mm left before it ran into the positive X max with no limit switch on that side and wasn't sure which direction it was going to move next. Side bar; likely going to add three more limit switches though. This would have been the second time I ran my machine into the non-limit switched sides had I not been ready at the abort button. Good to know for the future though, I will prevent moving them manually. Not sure why it did not occur to me to check the actual wires going into the quick connects, I only checked the quick connect mechanical connections themselves and not the wires. My yellow wire going into the black box quick connect was loose and making intermittent contact. Motor is back to normal now. Really glad that wasn't anything serious. Thank you! I am new to owning one of these and really appreciate the help.