Setup on Lead CNC = Arduino Uno, CNC Shield V3, DVR8824. Using Easel to operate machine. When I go through the machine setup in Easel the X and Y motors work fine. The Y axis has two motors driving screws on each side. However when I press button to move Y forwards the Y axis moves forward if I press the button 4 or 5 times the axis moves forward 4 times and the one of the motors will go forward while the other one moves in opposite direction, twisting axis. When I press the button to move Y backwards this will happen 4 or 5 times, then one motor will move in opposite direction twisting axis. I have swapped wires as suggested in various sites but this has not solved the random change in direction of one of the motors. Help!!
That is almost certainly a poor connection on one wire of the stepper that is misbehaving - this might help. docs:blackbox:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] Alex.
Hi Alex, Thank you for that info Soldered all the wire ends and used smaller electrical connectors nd all worked fine.