Hi again guys, one of my nema 23 steppers locks up when i run openbuilds control, power up power supply and plug in my arduino. It uses a dm566 stepper driver, any ideas?
either you mean it becomes impossible to turn by hand, which is correct when it gets power or you mean it is turning and then stops when it should still be turning? (possibly with some strange noises?) 1 - in this case, check it is getting enough current from the driver (but not too much, about 0.8 of the amps on the motor label is good) 2 -check the accleration and maxrate settings and set them lower, if it works at half speed then we know the electronics are ok 3 -check the mechanics, if there are any sticky spots in the leadscrew or rails that can cause it to stop when at high speed (see 1), stepper motors have the least power when they are turning fast.