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New blackbox x32 shutting off when spindle turned on

Discussion in 'Controller Boards' started by Marknbacon, Jan 6, 2025.

  1. Marknbacon


    Mar 13, 2019
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    Alright friends, I replaced my blackbox that I admittedly fried the USB circuits on due to a wiring mishap. Now I have USB connectivity again with the new one. (The old one worked fine, just would only connect via WiFi)

    the problem is, whenever I turn on my spindle (VFD driven) it kills the connection to the computer. I have to keep trying to reconnect to turn the spindle off. I used my saved backup to restore settings on the new BB from the old one. The limit switches and motors work fine on the new one. I tried connecting to WiFi on it but it doesn’t want to connect to my network for some reason (perhaps a misunderstanding of $300, $302, $303, etc?)

    anyway, the only modification I did to it right off the bat was solder on wires from the pins for each axis’s Step and DIR outputs (as well as GND and enable) in case I need to upgrade to NEMA 34 or closed loop steppers.

    any ideas on what to look for to fix the issue with it losing USB connection when the spindle is connected? I would really like to stop having to leave my electronics enclosure open to keep the BB connected to WiFi, but I will switch back if I can’t figure it out using the USB connection.

  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Fix the VFDs wiring. Proper earthing on spindle body and VFD. Shielded cable for the 400hz 3-phase cabling. If in doubt get an electrician in. High Frequency 3-phase is not DIYer friendly.

    As is it causes a tonne of EMI. With EMI you want to fix the source. If not correctly installed its emitting harmful levels of EMI (electromagnetic interference) that's so extreme its knocking out USB signals docs:blackbox-x32:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation]
  3. Marknbacon


    Mar 13, 2019
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    Eh, it's DIY friendly enough... But I also have industrial maintenance experience with VFDs etc so maybe it's easier for me. Granted EMI wasn't really an issue with thatas all the PLCs and whatnot are heavily shielded already.

    So I think I figured out what it was. I used the USB cable that came with the BB to go to a connector through the enclosure then to another USB cable to the computer. Well the cable ran right next to the VFD and parallel to a couple of the (unshielded) cables from the VFD to the spindle. I removed the interior cable entirely and simply ran a cable from the computer through an extra opening in the "bulkhead" plate on the bottom of my enclosure, added a couple of chokes on the USB cable as well as one on each phase of the VFD output and Viola! runs like its supposed to. I had already done some EMI elimination when I built the box, but nothing to the actual phases. I had read that the ground was usually the issue so I wrapped the ground wire from the VFD around two (large) ferrite rings several times which had always worked fine. I never got to really mess with the VFD on USB because I fried that portion of the old BB early on lol. Believe me, don't do what I did... I fried a motherboard (still worked but it was slow, and the USBs on it worked intermittently.) I also fried the USB circuits on my cricut venture, which has no serviceable parts... (basically I mis-wired a relay and put 120v back through the relay output of the BB, which traveled through the USB.)

    So yeah, Hopefully we're out of the woods with the EMI issue. I should have thought about that first... Oh well, that's what I get for working on this late at night.

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