I'm new to this and a bit lost. I just got and built a BobsCNC E3, I've meticulously checked and rechecked all of the assembly instructions to be confident the stepper motors and home switches are wired correctly. The two problems I have are: 1: The home switch for the X-axis is functional but the software continues to move the router in the positive direction after it has been engaged. It should move in the negative direction during pull off. 2: When using the jog controller inside of Universal Gcode Sender, the X+ and X- buttons both move the router in the X+ direction. Y-, Y+, Z- and Z+ all work properly I think the two issues are connected as the CNC router doesn't seem to move in the X- direction at all. I've disconnected the limit switches to remove them from the equation and cleared the alarm state in Universal Gcode Sender with the $X command. From there I use the Jog Controller to test the movement. X- still moves the motors in the X+ direction.
Its a while since I played with my settings but check your $3 setting - you may need to invert your X
In that case I would change it back for the moment. Only other thing I can think of is incorrect motor wiring - you will get some other suggestions from the forum hopefully. I forgot...you could try swapping the X and Z motor connectors and see if the fault goes to Z
Most obvious option: is the direction wire from the microcontroller pin all the way to the stepper drivers properly wired and testing for continuity? Is the X dir pin actually switching on the Arduino board (pin 5, I think , off the top of my head?)? If you change the drivers around, does the problem move? Double- and triple-checking the motor connections could also be worth a try; just one of the four wires being broken can also sometimes cause this behaviour.