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New Lead 1010 Owner!

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by ThridBayWoodcraft, Dec 21, 2021.

  1. ThridBayWoodcraft


    Nov 26, 2021
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    I am finally a proud owner of a Lead 1010 machine and the build was very enjoyable. I only ran into issues with my nut block being extremely tight. Openbuilds has already sent me tested replacements, so my first experience with customer service has been great!

    After the build and initial jog/homing all worked as expected. I did run into 1 issue where my limit switched were stuck in the closed position. I took them apart and put back together and they worked fine... typical right! I am very happy with how square I got the machine setup during assembly but I will still want to dial in more.

    Couple questions I have.
    1. When loading the Lead 1010 settings in Control. I noticed the X,Y, and Z setting was different than the specs of the unit. After I do a homing and send the machine back to "machine zero" it trying to go further in the X direction than it physically can, causing a bone curling noise :). I understand I dont really need to worry about machine zero right off the bat but I figure id learn if I might have done something wrong.

    Setting that were loaded:
    X: 810
    Y: 730
    Z: 90

    Specs of machine:
    X: 730
    Y: 810
    Z: ~100

    2. Loaded my first G code (from a Fusion 360 design) using Lead 1010 post processor in Fusion, ran the job in the air, all worked great. Added material, reset work zero, began the job..... and the tool slammed straight down through my fresh spoiler board.... I figure this might be a post process setting in Fusion but any ideas why this would happen?

    I did restart everything, reload my g code and was able to get it to work but Id rather not fear my tool slamming down into the board again... it was scary!

    Anyways, thought Id share my experience thus far. Feedback would be great to keep my spirits up!

    Happy Holidays!
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Check switch wiring. Use the Troubleshooting tab in CONTROL to test your switches. Make sure they all respond, and that the correct axis responds (crossing X and Y wiring for example can cause the crash you mention too)
    A) make sure to use our Post docs:software:fusion360 [OpenBuilds Documentation] (the stock grbl posts in fusion uses confusing G28 coordinates and other odd stuff - rather use ours)
    And B) remember to Home, then Set stock origin (Zero) - homing is critical as advanced CAMs with our posts move in both machine, and work coordinates

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