Hey y’all, here’s my first build parts list for a CNC machine, and I want to know if the OpenBuilds Blackbox will be compatible with a computer running Linux CNC. My build list I’ve picked out so far: - C-Beam XL with NEMA 23 stepper motors as bundled on the OpenBuilds website - OpenBuilds BlackBox controller - computer running Linux CNC Also, can you guys recommend a decent pendant that would be compatible with this USB setup? Thanks in advance!
Software: BlackBox runs on Grbl firmware (see gnea/grbl ) - which in this context "is linuxcnc" ie the Step generator runs inside the BlackBox already For a User interface, see CONTROL at OpenBuilds Software - FREE Software for CNC Control: OpenBuilds CONTROL and OpenBuilds CAM For a broader overview see docs:software:overview [OpenBuilds Documentation] Pendant: 'Pendant' for BlackBox: See docs:interface:start [OpenBuilds Documentation] BlackBox: See the BlackBox docs for any further info you may need: docs:blackbox:start [OpenBuilds Documentation]